Industrial melting furnaces

کوره ذوب صنعتی

Graffiti plant
Fixed tilt and automatic unloading
The door of the device is an insulating cap with the ability to move in two axes
Thermal energy supply system: electric – gas – diesel – dual fuel (electric – gas)
No direct heat radiation into the operating chamber
The ability to melt all kinds of non-ferrous metals in the requested volumes
Equipped with an exhaust outlet for the natural discharge of smoke and fumes from melting
Simple single-step control or PID, simple programmable controller or PID, or super professional controllers
Equipped with a protective circuit system to announce and control any unauthorized temperature rise (Police)
Strong external body with suitable industrial appearance and two layers of protective paint
Optimal energy consumption with maximum efficiency

Melting operation under vacuum
Melting operations with shielded and neutral gases
Installation of special controllers with computer output
Professional digital recorders
Energy recovery systems to increase the efficiency of energy consumption (for temperatures of 800 degrees and above)
Safety indicator systems (lights, sirens, etc.)


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